German carrier Quick Air Jet Charter introduces an upgrade to its eight Hamilton T1 ICU transport ventilators. The upgrade includes a high flow oxygen therapy mode providing gas at specific flow rates from 2–80 l/min as well as a humidification capability with the HAMILTON-H900 for greater patient comfort during the high flow oxygen therapy or ventilation therapy. The HAMILTON- H900 humidifier also provides active humidification for adults and paediatrics, as well as neonates.
Back“The main effect of delivering high flow oxygen through a nasal cannula is to continuously flush out the nasopharyngeal dead space, allowing better CO2 clearance and improving alveolar ventilation and oxygenation.”
W. Chatila, Chest, 126 (2004), pp. 1108–1115
“Compared with conventional oxygen therapy or non-invasive ventilation, the use of high flow oxygen therapy has been shown to reduce the need for intubation, and lower the risk of reintubation within 72 hours.”
Hernández G., JAMA. 2016 Mar 15. doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.2711
“All our ventilators now offer the option of an integrated high flow oxygen therapy mode for all patient groups. In just a few steps, we can switch between invasive or non-invasive ventilation and high flow oxygen therapy without changing the device or even the breathing circuit. We just need to change the ventilator mode and the patient interface.”